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Attention: Men over 40 with at least 30lbs to lose...
This proven program you're about to discover has helped over 22,000 busy men over 40 burn 95,000 pounds of fat and rebuild lean muscle. If you're frustrated with stubborn belly fat, weight loss plateaus, failed diets & time-consuming workouts, you need to read the tips in this letter:
Letter from the desk of:
Tim Bruxvoort, Founder of, a website devoted to helping men over 40 become the best versions of themselves
If you're anything like I was, you've been around the block...
You've seen fad diets come and go. Hell, you've probably tried most of them...
But the belly is still there. Your energy is down. Your libido is down.
You’re starting to shop for new pants…again.
You joke with your friends that you’re in shape…because round is a shape. And as they all laugh, you secretly feel the guilt inside stab you one more time.
Because you’re better than this. You used to be athletic and competitive.
But somewhere, life got in the way...
The marriage…the kids…the job…the commute…the lunches eaten at Chipotle…the skipped breakfasts…the gym membership that’s been slowly eating $27 out of your bank every month.
Subtle reminders that you’ve been telling yourself you’ll get around to someday.
But you’re tired.
Not just from a stressful life. But from all the failed attempts to get fit in the past.
It was always something...
A meeting took you away from your workout. A late night with the kids meant not getting up for breakfast.
All the plans you’ve tried just didn’t work, or were too hard to follow over the long haul.
Nothing seemed to fit the life you’re living now. All that stuff seems like it was created for 20-year-old guys who can sleep 10 hours a night, lift for hours, and chug booze every weekend.
So I get it. I know why you’re skeptical that I can claim to help you substantially reduce your belly fat and start seeing real results in just 30 days.
But give me a few minutes, and I’ll not only prove it to you, but I’ll make you an offer that “you can’t refuse.”
My Story May Be Like Yours
Up until a certain point I always considered myself to be very fit. I got married later in life when I was 36. Since my wife and I were both older we couldn’t wait long to have children so we quickly had two children who are about two years apart.
So I found myself in a very busy life like most family men my age. I was spending time with the children, plus I had a house that always needed attention and a job that took upwards of 50 hours a week, and more when I frequently traveled. So life was extremely busy.
Exercise and eating right were always important to me before I got married. I was in great shape and could always do any activity I wanted.
But somehow in the busyness of life, I gradually began to pack on the pounds. Given my lack of time, exercise was not on my list of priorities. Neither was eating right.
When I looked in the mirror at my body it just didn’t seem like me staring back. Who was this man with belly fat?
I remember the day that I finally realized what I lost. It was like a stinging slap upside the head telling me to wakeup.
It was an experience on that day where my lungs felt like they were ready to explode with each breath. My legs were screaming for mercy. I was sure I was going to throw up, but fortunately I saved face in front of my friend who convinced me that this would be fun.
This experience forced me to face the cold, cruel truth. I was the heaviest I had ever been, my muscles were weak, my stamina was low, and even my libido had declined.
I knew that if I continued living like I was my kids were at risk growing up without a dad, and my wife without a husband.
I realized the kind of living I was doing is where heart disease, heart attacks, and cancer are created.
I can’t bear to think about what my dying would have done to my family, especially to my extremely sensitive daughter.
So I did make changes to my life but they weren’t easy because I was already 43 years old at this point and what I slowly discovered through painful trial and error is that the whole diet and exercise industries are stacked against men our age.
I want to share with you today what it is I discovered so you don’t have to go through what I did, or perhaps you can finally stop going through what I did.
Well I'm now 59 and I mountain bike regularly (which is about what killed me above) plus I do workouts and lots of walking. Outside of new aches and pains from aging, I'm in better health now than I was back then.
If you or someone you love is in the same condition as I was back then pay close attention to this message. Life could depend on it.
I founded to help men who are on the road to heart disease, diabetes, or other potentially deadly illnesses. Men who want to live life like they did when they were younger.
So when I came across something new that works I wanted to let others know about it.
You Need a New Plan
My goal is to give you access to the resources you need to reach your fitness goals.
First, you need accurate information that is specifically designed for men over 40, not some young guy who just wants to get ripped to show off for the women. Although if that is something you want that is possible too.
Second, you need a support structure since getting fit is simple in concept, but it’s not always easy. You need to go through this with the support of other people. I want to give you access to a complete plan and support structure to make your goals a reality.
This plan and structure, which is called FF30X, is the only one of its kind developed by a men’s health doctor specifically for men over 40.
There's No Need for Diets and Long Workouts
If you’ve ever tried to lose weight before I’m sure you guys have experienced the same frustrations as I have.
Someone is always recommending some new magical powder, pill, or drink that is supposed to melt the pounds off. It’s tempting to believe they work, but if they do, the weight loss is only temporary.
You’ve probably even tried, or looked at, exercise programs like P90X that recommend working out 6-7 days a week for workouts that last 1-1 ½ hours, but who has time for that?
Fortunately, you can forget all of those things.
Case Study 1
I wanted to show you what’s possible using the program by showing you how Jim Younger started out.
He was 62, Type 1 Obese, had high blood pressure and cholesterol. He was also diagnosed with pre-diabetes and like the rest of us had no time for long workouts with his four kids and busy job.
You can probably relate to Jim's frustration, which leads to being unmotivated.
Jim is an example of what you can do when you put into this program in to practice. Here’s how Jim started on Day #1 of his transformation:
• 62 years old, father of 4
• 243lbs at 5'10 (Type I Obese)
• High blood pressure (on meds)
• High cholesterol (on meds)
• Diagnosed with pre-diabetes
• No time for long workouts with his busy job.
• Feeling totally frustrated & unmotivated.
In 30 days Jim lost 24 pounds, dropped his blood pressure meds and had his energy and productivity skyrocket.
With those kind of results you start feeling even more motivated to carry on.
Jim continued the program and by day 75 he had lost another 17 pounds for a total loss of 41 pounds.
Remember, Jim got these result and he has 4 kids and an extremely busy job as well as the other commitments we all have.
I discovered there are three main limiting beliefs that keep men from attempting to lose weight if they have tried before. I summed them up into three secrets and I would like to share those secrets with you now.
3 Secrets of Getting Fit
Secret #1: How Busy Men Over 40 Can Lose Weight and Get Fit Without Starvation or a Huge Time Commitment
Secret #2: How You Can Lose Weight And Get Fit Even Though Nothing Has Worked Before
Secret #3: How to Get Started Becoming Fit Even If You Aren’t Feeling Motivated or Don't Think You Have the Willpower.
Secret #1: How Busy Men Over 40 Can Lose Weight and Get Fit Without Starvation or a Huge Time Commitment
This is the primary secret that's key to your success.
Can I share a little story about this secret?
While I was in the process of finding something that worked for me to get back in shape with what little time I had, I knew I couldn’t commit myself to the insane workouts that require an hour or more of my time. I also discovered that most exercise programs were designed for younger men with faster muscle recovery times.
So I found a way to workout at home with just a set of dumbbells and a half an hour of time. It was highly doable for me even with the kids and all the other responsibilities.
Doesn’t 30 minutes a few times a week sound more reasonable that 90 minute workouts of P90X or similar programs?
At first I didn’t feel like I had the energy but you quickly feel so much better you then do have the energy.
I also had to learn to ignore all the fad diets and I just started eating more sensibly without cutting out any specific food groups. I found that I didn’t have to starve myself.
I couldn’t focus on work if my diet was too restrictive. The body needs proper nutrition to feel good and produce muscle.
Unfortunately I didn’t have all the tools and strategies laid out in an easy to follow program like what is available now in FF30X so the whole process was a challenging discovery.
Case Study 2
The good news is that these techniques didn’t just work for just me they work for all men who truly put them into practice. Take Vijay Maru from London, UK.
Vijay was a bit skeptical about starting the program because he had tried so many different diets. In the first week on the program he lost 6 pounds and was immediately hooked! He was still going strong for 6 months and when he sent the following message he was down about 55 pounds and still dropping.
Limiting False Beliefs
But listen, I can hear you still thinking that you don’t have the time to exercise right? You’re probably so exhausted at the end of the day that all you want to do is rest. That’s what everyone who starts the program thinks and is exactly why you need to work exercise in.
You’re exhausted because your body has been mistreated. Do you want more energy so you can live a better life? There is always 30 minutes sometime in a day that can be applied to better use.
Once you get in shape, you’ll end up being more productive so time spent on exercise is time well spent.
Another thing commonly heard is that people hate exercising so they will never be successful at losing weight.
First off all, if all you do is follow the meal plan you will lose weight. Period. The nutrition part is the most important part of the program.
Second, is that people who don’t exercise hate exercise. People that do, for the most part, like it most of the time. So do you want to be one of those people who like it? Then do it until you do. It’s like everything in life, once you have some success in it you start to like it more.
Here’s another one that is common: “every time I go on a diet I just quit because I feel so miserable." That’s understandable with highly restrictive diets or diets that cut out whole groups of foods.
You don’t need to diet at all. You need a plan that includes balanced nutrition in sufficient amounts to maintain your metabolism. Starvation diets don’t work because your body goes into starvation mode.
Undeniable Truth #1: You Don’t Need to Starve Yourself or Spend Long Hours Working Out!
So now you know your beliefs about having to starve yourself or spend long hours working out to lose weight have been false so you can actually choose to have a new life starting now. The choice is yours to make.
Don’t you seriously feel excited about the possibilities for a better life?
Secret #2: How You Can Lose Weight And Get Fit Even Though Nothing Has Worked Before
So now let me tell you a story about my discovery of Secret # 2.
After several failed attempts on my journey to lose weight I made a huge discovery.
I realized it wasn’t my fault that my previous attempts at dieting had failed. The whole dieting system is rigged to fail. Diets shame us in to believing certain foods are bad and that if we eat them we are bad too.
The problem is that when I totally cut out, or extremely limit a certain food type, I ended up craving it even more and I was even more likely to binge on it.
I discovered that there is a science behind this. There are actually neurological changes in my brain that make me crave what I cut out.
Not only that but when I did “splurge” and treat myself to what I cut out it caused a bigger rush of the dopamine hormone. This is the same hormone drug users experience that causes them to enjoy it so much.
In my research I discovered that dieting is actually more harmful to my health that never dieting in the first place.
Quite frankly, I was sick of being shamed and taught to fear food. That is what led me to find the better way.
Case Study 3
Bob Berkman is an example of someone who tried and failed at diets and programs before.
Bob tried P90X and low carb diets before and nothing worked. He was stuck. Using the FF30X program you are about to see, he finally got over the frustration and started becoming leaner, stronger, and more confident than he has in years.
Any here is the best comment of his: “It has never been this easy.”
Even More Limiting False Beliefs
Another thing that often holds men back from trying again is that after their previous attempts they just Yo-Yoed back to their previous weight or even more.
That is the problem with restrictive diets. You don’t need a diet, you need a new mindset and a new way to eat. You need a plan which we are going to give you.
Undeniable Truth #2: You Can Lose Weight And Get Fit Even Though Nothing Has Worked Before
You wouldn’t be the first person that tried and failed at a diet. But it wasn’t your fault your previous attempts did not work.
The truth is you didn’t have the right plan to execute. You will soon though.
But first let's cover the third secret.
Secret #3: How to Get Started Becoming Fit Even If You Don’t Feel Motivated or Have the Willpower.
If it's alright with you, can I share an experience I had with lack of motivation?
One day I hesitantly walked in to our local YMCA and sat on at the bench of chest pull machine and I sat there looking at everyone working out. I didn’t want to be there. At all! Have you ever had that feeling?
Everyone was busy doing their routines and some of them even looked happy about it. I wanted to walk out and begin my day.
I just didn’t have the motivation or willpower to get started.
But as I sat there unmotivated I thought to myself that saying I don’t have the motivation or willpower to do this is like saying my kids aren’t important to me and they can just go figure out life on their own after I'm dead. Or it’s like saying that my wife can just provide for herself and I’m not needed.
I started thinking about how we guys rise to the occasion and can get through almost any challenge in our work. But, when things get a little difficult or uncomfortable with something like exercise or eating right we cave in like a little child.
Well that is all I needed to push myself to get started and once you get started it becomes much easier. So after that when things got tough, I thought about what I would do at work and then thought about how much I love my family.
These days there are new discoveries with neuroscience and psychology habit strategies that can help us with motivation. With this new program there are other techniques to use if family isn’t motivator enough.
Still More False Beliefs
Other objections people have is that they say they can’t stick to a diet or exercise routine. One of the advantages of this program is that there is accountability from coaches and peers. That’s the part that you likely never had before.
And back to what I just said, we guys overcome lots of challenges in our work so just think of this like it’s work, and in a way it is. You will end up being much more productive when you get yourself in shape.
People also say they are destined to be overweight and there’s not much they can do about it. You know there are plenty of examples out there of people who said the same thing and are now fit. If they can do it, so can you.
By now you know that it's just not true that you are somehow different than every other guy and you just can't lose weight. You aren't different, you just hadn’t found the right way to do it until today.
Undeniable Truth #3: You Can Get Fit Even Without Currently Having Motivation or Willpower.
You don’t need motivation or willpower to get started. You can find these along the journey. You will also be given some tools to help you find them.
Do You Think This Would Work For You?
In Secret #1 I showed you that you don’t have to spend hours exercising and you don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight and get fit even if nothing else worked as described in Secret # 2. In Secret #3 I showed that you don’t currently have to be motivated to get started.
So let me ask you a question.
If I gave you a simple plan to make all these a secrets a reality for you do you think you could be successful at getting fit like the other men you saw?
Finally, A New Kind of Program for Men Over 40
How many of you are feeling a little overwhelmed because we covered so much?
It’s not really possible to cover everything in a letter but I tried to get you to see that despite any past failures you've had, you can reach your goals.
Introducing the Fit Father 30X Program
So I want to introduce you to a special program created by a men’s health doctor whose name is Dr. Anthony Balduzzi. It is the Fit Father 30X program, also know as FF30X.
When you invest in the program today you will get immediate access to everything you see in the image above and more. One of the most important part of the program is the accountability that will help you reach your fitness goals.
What's Include In The Program
Bonuses for First 500 Men
More Success Stories
Who Is This Program For?
So I want to go back and make sure you realize who this program is for. It's for men over 40 who have at least 30 pounds to lose. Of course it will also work for those who have less to lose as well.
Maybe you don't have any weight to lose but you just want to gain muscle. The workout program included will also get you there.
Anyone who applies the program will see result!
I had to figure all this stuff out on my own and do it on my own. With this program you don't have to figure anything out on your own. It's all done for you, neatly package into this program.
There's No Reason Not To Try It
I've already addressed that this program doesn't take a lot of time and you don't have to starve yourself. The Meal Plan and the Workout Plan both take care of those false beliefs.
Previous dieting failure is another reason but this program is designed to succeed. When you join you become part of the The Brotherhood Facebook group where you will be encouraged by your peers and coaches. The VIP email accountability component of the program will also keep you motivated.
The bonus How to Build Unbreakable Habits Guide is also designed to help you build good habits that will keep you moving forward when things get tough.
And yet one more reason to give it a try. You get a full 60-day 100% satisfaction full-money back guarantee.
What If All These Benefits Could Be Yours?
When you have this program you'll finally be able to shed those pounds that have been added over the years from the time when your body was once athletic and competitive.
Dr. Anthony Balduzzi privately trains men for over $5,000 a month getting the same results as you will from this program.
What would it be worth to you to get back to get to your desired weight goal?
If you could regain the CONFIDENCE to take your shirt off and feel proud of you the new lean body you've built.
If you wake up feeling ENERGIZED before the alarm ever goes off.
If you could be more PRODUCTIVE at work, because your mind is feeling so much sharper and your body has more energy and STAMINA.
If you could feel PROUD of the good example you’re setting for your family.
If you could HEAL typical “age-related” aches and pains that are slowing all the other guys around you down.
If you could have more PASSION and vitality in your love life, because your partner can’t keep her hands off you.
If you could INSPIRE everyone around you with your transformation. Your friends & family will see the "new you" and get motivated to follow your lead.
If you could gain the advantages above what would that all be worth to you? Would it be worth the $5,000 Dr. Balduzzi charges for coaching?
Obviously you are not going to pay $5,000, but If all this system did was half of the above would that be worth the $5,000? The productivity gains alone could pay for that.
The good news is that you won't have to pay anywhere near that to get results like these.
Let's recap all you will get if you are a quick decision maker:
This program isn’t an expense; it’s an investment in your future. It’s an investment in productivity. You may not think you have time to do the program, but once you do you’ll realize that having more energy and clarity of thought will make your hours so much more efficient, not to mention more fun.
You can see above that others are having results and being encouraged along by their peers and coaches. You can become part of The Brotherhood too so what are you waiting for?
And it isn't going to cost you the $5000 Dr. Anthony charges for private training, or even the $600 that the package is worth, assuming you are one of the first 500 fast-acting decision makers that will get the bonuses.
No today it's going to cost you...
Just $97!
Just click the button below to get started
Your entire family will remember today. Either as the day they saw their dad take back control… or as the day he left it to chance and ignored the issue you know is facing you.
The way I see it is you have two choices. The first option is to do nothing and not take this 100% risk-free leap of faith.
Your second option is to pony up to this TINY investment in your and your family's future today and just give it a shot. See if you can make it work for you. If it doesn't --for whatever reason--you get your money back. There's absolutely no risk.
You have nothing to lose but weight!
Look, I had lots of struggles on my journey to a healthier body. I had lots of failures too. But now I'm a new man.
The good news is you don't have to go through what I did since you now have access to this wonderful program. So I hope you will join me and the other "brothers" on this journey. So click the button now and get started right away.
Tim Bruxvoort, Founder
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