Our mission at Fit Man Plan is exactly as it sounds. We aim to address men's heath and fitness issues for men over 40. These issues cover a wide spectrum from be exercise, weight loss, nutrition, diet, joint pain, back pain, sexual dysfunction, mental health, or any of the multitude of other issues men over 40 face.
Our tagline is “Stay in Motion” and for a good reason. An abbreviated form of Newton’s First Law of Motion supports our view and mission, “A body at rest will remain at rest and a body in motion will remain in motion”. Our mission is to help you stay in motion no matter what your age. We aim to do that by providing you with the best advice and products to help you maintain an active life well in to the last half of your life.
About the Founder
My name is Tim and I'm 59 years old. So I know full well the effects of age on the body. Yet I still I'm still active and plan to stay that way for as long as I can.
My two favorite activities are mountain biking and downhill skiing. I also like hiking and taking the dog on long walks. For the last 30 years I've tried to take care of my body and eat right. I think that's why I can still do vigorous activities. I see so many people my age that look older and are suffering from poor health. There's no way they could get on a mountain bike and climb the hills that I and my friends also my age can.
As medical technology improves people are living a longer lives than our parents but that doesn't necessarily mean we are healthier. Our parent's generation didn't have the levels of obesity we currently have thanks to our sedentary life and poor diets.

So yes technology may be able to keep us alive longer, but what fun is that if we have diabetes or some disabling disease that means we really can't enjoy life.
So our mission is to inspire others to join us on our journey. You know what to do. Eat healthier and get exercise. Stay in motion and you'll enjoy life more. And while you are at it why not bring a friend along on your journey?

My 18-year old son and I snow skiing in Utah
Our weekly bike ride at Percy Warner park in Nashville, Tennessee